Monday, November 29, 2010

Ruffin McNeill as ECU logo

I've really liked the "new" ECU football logo in the middle of Dowdy Ficklen.  I like the pirate face and/or the pirate skull located inside the state of North Carolina.  I thought it would be interesting to put Ruffin McNeill's face inside the state.  It seems that every pirate fan loves Ruff as a coach and person, and he embodies exactly what he coaches.  So why not have Ruff as the logo??? Since I've finished this painting, the Pirates have had 76 points scored on them by Navy, and two tough losses to Rice and SMU.  Hopefully a bowl win will wash those bad memories away, and this painting will mean a little more to Pirate Nation.

Waiting At Second

Waiting At Second

"Game Day"

"Game Day"
22"x38" oil on panel
